Learn, Lead, Transform.

Leadership Development
Project Zero
Teacher Toolbox
Whole Person Approach
Anjum BabuKhan
Lead Consultant
Ed.M. in Human Development and Psychology Harvard Graduate School of Education
“My ikigai (life purpose) is to illuminate the full spectrum of human potential.”

Learn, Lead, & Transform
Anjum has led award-winning institutions for over 25 years with exemplary pedagogical thought leadership and has trailblazed in the education space bringing her institutions to being ranked #1 in the state and top 10 in India for four consecutive years. Anjum’s edupreneural journey is an inspiration where she recently exited and accrued immense value for her brainchild, Glendale Education where she
led as Founder Director for 20 years.
As a passionate lifelong learner, she has mastered Leadership in Learning from Cambridge, learned Design Thinking at Stanford D. School and implemented what she learned at Harvard’s Graduate School Education courses with great success. These signature initiatives may be availed through her consultancy. Anjum is also the author of ABCs of Brain Compatible Learning

Leader’s Development
Leadership Development .
“My ikigai (life purpose) is to illuminate the full spectrum of human potential.”

Spectrum of Multiple Intelligences
A Guided Self-Discovery across Human Potential
Anjum has been empowering tens of thousands of adults and children since 2000, in uncovering their competence and self-efficacy through the application of multiple intelligences. Whether it’s a webinar, interactive workshop, or full Multiple Intelligence implementation strategy, Anjum is the leading expert in MI for over 25 years and personally acquainted with the Father of MI – Dr. Howard Gardner at Harvard. In addition, one can sign up for a full MI psychometric assessment with comprehensive feedback report on all the multiple intelligences.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
“Find your voice and help others find theirs.” Dr. Stephen Covey
Anjum has more than 25 years of teaching and living the 7 Habits plus the 8th Habit, written by Dr. Stephen Covey which have sold more than 40 million copies and globally top in leadership development. Anjum’s serendipitous journey after reading the book and applying its principles catapulted her to being chosen as keynote speaker for Leader in Me Global Summit followed by being invited on the Franklin Covey board and then bringing in the very 1st Lighthouse accreditation to a school in India – making history in the subcontinent. A workshop or webinar can be organized to suit the needs of your organization.
“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership” – Harvey S. Firestone

4 I’s of Transformational Leadership
Leadership styles may have varied over the centuries. In the 21st century, transformational leadership is more relevant today than ever. The four I’s are intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, intrinsic motivation, and individualized consideration Learning these four basic ingredients is the recipe for becoming a transformational leader.
“Leadership and Learning are in dispensable to each other” – John. F. Kenedy
Habits of Mind
Grit, Growth Mindset, Self-Efficacy, Sociability, and Meta-cognition
The Big Five Discover how these habits can show up in one’s life. Sign up for a full Habits of Mind psychometric assessment with feedback on how to improve.
A More Beautiful Question
Based on Warren Berger’s book, A More Beautiful Question, this workshop will help one discover the power of inquiry that leads up one up the ladder towards higher order thinking skills. Learn the art of questioning that leads to creative innovation.
Power to Empower – Self-Care for Leaders
A multi-module psycho-education intervention for leaders to build resilience and buoyancy covering topics such as self-regulation, self-efficacy and evaluating life values. A safe space to explore the feelings of stress, frustration and anxiety while navigating the complexity of multiple responsibilities. The program builds community among the cohort while participants socially/emotionally prepare oneself face to face challenges of professional and personal life.
“My ikigai (life purpose) is to illuminate the full spectrum of human potential.”

Project Zero Workshops
Project Zero
“Creating places where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted.”
Harvard Researcher, Dr. Ron Ritchart, author of Making Thinking Visible.

UDL – Universal Design for Learning
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Maximize learning by removing barriers for learners with multiple means engagement,
multiple means of representation and multiple means of action and expression.
Culture of Thinking
Harvard project Zero
Building a “thinking culture” prime our institutions for better learning and greater engagement. Applying the magic formula of the 8 Cultural Forces, will truly transform one’s institution and culture to be a future-ready through enculturation of 21st century standards. Learn to facilitate the right learning outcomes and thinking routines with these objective cognitive strategies.

Strategy in Action
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Learn how Anjum used SIA in a decade long implementation approach that proved successful in building leadership density, a comprehensive evaluation format, and effective monitoring classroom practices.
Studio Thinking
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Discover the 8 Studio Habits of Mind that can be developed through arts integration. Helping teachers boost creativity combined with a “5 Strands Curriculum” Inspired from Bloom’s taxonomy. Interestingly, these habits are not learned in academia but through visual arts exploration.

Edvantage Teacher Tool Box
Teacher Toolbox
Creating and Empowering Educators since 2000

Select workshops consisting of globally recognized pedagogies for K-12.
Some modules are also available in an online format.
1. Sharpen the Saw with 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey
2. Developmental Psychology.
>> Human Needs that preceding Intellectual Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs
>> Psycho-Social Ages & Stages of Development by Erik Erikson
3. ABCs of Brain Compatible Learning – by Anjum Babukhan
4. Theory and Application of Multiple Intelligences by Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard Graduate School of Education
5. Self-Reliant Learners
6. Topic Web– Applying Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom
7. Graphic Organizers
8. Bloom’s Taxonomy
9. Self-Discipline with RRC- Respect, Responsibility, & Cooperation
10. Exploring Holistic Learning Domains:
>> Communication, Cognitive, Physical, and Aesthetic (full-day in person workshop)
11. Early Childhood Enrichment
>> Circle Time, Storytelling
>> ECE Curriculum Planning -Teaching Pre-Math and Pre-Science
12. Physical Literacy-Methods of Physical Education
In Teacher Toolbox, we equip educators with a variety of tools to optimize multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression as per the guidelines of UDL – Universal Design for Learning.

The Whole Person Approach
The Whole Person Approach
“Self- growth is tender, it’s holy ground”
Stephen R. Covey

Sharpen the Saw
A Guided Self-Renewal
Sharpen the Saw across the body, mind, heart, and spirit with this Harvard reviewed approach so that you can renew and rejuvenate the greatest asset you have – YOU! WPA offers multiple modules varying in length and approach that will help one lead to balanced and holistic self-renewal. The following extensions also allow one to explore deeper aspects of your human development.
Tree of Life
A Narrative Journey
Discover how your identity has evolved from the values symbolized by your ‘roots’ to ‘fruits’ which represent the gifts that you would like to share with the world. Moreover, how does your symbolic tree of life weather the storms through its resilience on the ‘ground’ you stand on.
Passion Project
Keep Calm & Complete
Among the four dimensions of WPA, one can choose a personal project in a particular dimension to focus on and complete with the help of 4DX (Four Disciplines of Execution) with personal coaching.
Chakra Awareness
A Guided Introspection
A multi-module discovery workshop held over multiple sessions covering the seven chakras from root to crown that explores its dimensions with activities to to bring awareness to the respective chakras with sound healing, asanas, music and art therapy, affirmations and meditations.
Hero’s Journey
Creating Your Story
Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, find your calling and design your destiny! Identity and map how you can be the hero of your own life’s story.